South Caucasus is fluid and volatile region. It is at the crossroads bridging between seas, land and civilizations. It is a region of languages, people, and faiths.The main objective for such thematic dictionary is to compile all scattered information under an online glossary or dictionary. Modern Political Dictionary of Caucasus (MPDC) /under the Caucasus includes connotative and denotative information, terms, concepts, buzzwords, of following entries and sources in South Caucasus with internal countries including Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and external actors Turkey, China, European Union and Russia's international pliticas vis-vis South Caucasus. In this regard, MPDC covers political profile, political parties, political cultures, political space, agreements, ethnic groups, organizations, Institutions, period of time, regions, faith, people, comparative literatures, publications, scholars&thinkers bibliographic references, and current affairs. Overall, it covers all aspects of politics in the region in and out. It aims to contribute the research and studies on South Caucasus and neighbouring countries, students of IR, MA and Doctoral students, interdisciplinary studies, politicians, journalists and academia can benefit from it.